Change the world

Whether you’ve recently taken a gap year, accumulated work experience, or simply sought a well-deserved break from the conventional path following high school to varsity, we understand that returning to the academic world after a break may appear daunting, but your deviation from the norm wasn't time wasted; it served as a vital opportunity for reflection and personal growth, equipping you with self-reliance, confidence, and maturity – all essential for a successful academic pursuit.

After applying and being accepted, you may experience nerves or even doubts, but this is normal and will dissipate as you settle into your new routine.

To help you settle, try the following:

1) Embrace your unique journey:

Acknowledging that your path to university may differ from the conventional route is essential. Your gap signifies a pause rather than a setback, affording you the advantage of a fresh outlook and the development of self-reliance and confidence that only life experiences can provide.

2) Brush up on study skills:

Reacquainting yourself with effective study techniques is a wise approach as you re-enter the world of academia. Nelson Mandela University offers an array of resources to help you refine your study skills, ensuring you're well-prepared for the academic rigors ahead.

3) Balance responsibilities:

Life as a non-traditional student often means juggling responsibilities, from families to jobs. It's not a walk in the park, but it's doable. Time management and communication are your BFFs. Our pro tip: use apps, schedules, and a pinch of determination to balance it all like a champ.

4) Leverage your life skills:

Your gap year wasn't all lounging on the beach, right? You've gained work ethic, time management, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills that are all valuable for the future and the secret to success in your academics, so put them to work!

5) Build a support network:

Life gets tricky, and we all need a helping hand sometimes. Don't hesitate to lean on your family, friends, and the university's wellness services. It's not a sign of weakness; it's a sign of being smart about your well-being!


This isn't just a university; it's a supportive community where your unique journey is celebrated. We can't wait to see you thrive in your academic adventure!

Posted on 07 November 2023 08:00:00

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