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Exams and tests can cause anxiety, which could be a significant hurdle to overcome if not addressed. Not only can assessments be a daunting experience, but they are also especially difficult for learners who have not yet mastered a specific study technique which works for them, or who place immense pressure on themselves to perform.

This pressure to perform well can often lead to feelings of anxiety and stress. With the right strategies, support from your friends and family, and the right motivation, you can overcome these challenges and approach any tests or exams with confidence.

Here are a few strategies which may help you to manage your stress/anxiety during assessment:

1. Practice Relaxation Techniques

- Meditation: Focus on your breathing and the present moment.

- Relaxation: If you continuously tense your muscles, take note of when you do this, to get into the habit of relaxing them when you do.

- Guided imagery: Picture yourself succeeding during your tests and exams.

2. Develop a Positive Mindset

- Challenge negative thoughts and replace those with positive affirmations.

- Focus on your strengths: Remind yourself of your abilities, skills and knowledge.

- Set realistic goals: Break down your exam preparation into smaller, achievable steps.

3. Create a Study Schedule

- Start early: Start learning early and spend enough time to be successful

- Prioritise harder subjects: Allocate more time to areas you find difficult.

- Take breaks: Avoid fatigue by taking regular short breaks during study times.

- Create a quiet, comfortable space away from distractions where you can study.

4. Practice Active Recall

- Quiz yourself: Test your understanding of the material.

- Teach someone else: Explaining concepts to others helps to retain that knowledge.

- Use flashcards: Create visual aids to review key points.

- Use mind maps: Draw mind maps and write your own notes to remember the facts.

5. Get Enough Sleep and Exercise

- Prioritise rest: Taking a break, especially before big tests or exams, is important.

- Stay active: Regular exercise can reduce stress and improve focus.

6. Eat Healthy and Stay Hydrated

- Fuel your brain: Eat nutritious foods that support your brain functions.

- Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

7. Practice Time Management

- Set a timer: Take practise exams in the same conditions to improve your pace.

- Learn to skip questions: If you're stuck, move on and return later.

- Review your answers: Check for errors or answers you left out before you hand in your paper.

8. Seek Support

- Talk to friends or family members, if you have any problems or concerns.

- Consider counselling: A therapist, or counsellor can help you with strategies to use in your everyday life, to guide and support you during stressful situations.

Remember, it's normal to feel anxious before exams, but with the right strategies, you can overcome those feelings and achieve your academic goals. By implementing these strategies, you can better manage your stress and increase your confidence. Good luck!

Posted on 05 September 2024 15:23:29

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